Saturday, February 19, 2011

Western Pyrotechnic Fireworks 2011

This weekend the Western Pyrotechnic firework guys are here for a competition of skill. We went last night which was the 1st of the 3 nights. The pictures are some of the ones that were going off. It was much more difficult to snap photos of them than I thought it would be. By the time the camera clicked, many had gone by. If I get back there tonight or tomorrow, I will try again. There were mant different kinds but I could only get the big bloomy one, maybe because they lasted longer.
Maddalena, SE and I went to the Fashion Show this morning and got some good buys.
Pasquale, Pat and Patsy went to the barbershop to get Pasquale a haircut.
This afternoon we are going to the wave pool at the Aquatic Center where I swim. The kids are really excited to go. That was their favorite thing last year. I'll get pictures.

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