Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Grand Canyon Pat, SE, kids

Pasquale and Maddalena waiting for our tour guide to pick us up. We are all excited to see the Grand Canyon. This will be their 1st time.

The is snow on the ground. We watch our footing as we look below.

Looking st the floor of the canyon. You can see Angel Bright trail

another look - I love the variation of the colors

Maddalena and Pasquale at the information center

the peaks and valleys

our guide setting up the telescope for viewing

the side of one of the walls

the light colored column rising up from the floor

the vegetation on the rim, the canyon in the baqckground

looking over

the fmaily having a wonderful day at the canyon

that amazing view

a raven perched on a treetop

a look at the Colorado River twisting through the canyon

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