Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wave Pool with Pat, SE and kids

This morning SE, Maddalena & I went to a fashion show while Patsy, Pasquale and Pat went to the Barbershop - Patswy & Pasquale got haircuts.  We went to the wave pool for the afternoon - open from noon to 5:00. We stayed a couple of hours. You can see the waves on the sides of the pool.

Pat is facing us with Maddalena and Pasquale beside him.

Here is Maddalena enjoying a tube ride as she just drifts along

Her we have a family hundle about what to do next

a family photo

I think this is better one!

Pat with the kids

The two bathing beauties posing for a photo

Oh my, the beauties have been intruded upon but someone wanting to get into the picture. I'll take it - Pasquale, ShawnElise and Maddalena

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