Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Grand Canyon Pat, SE, kids

The Colorado River flowing through the Grand Canyon

our guide, Kevin, has the telescope set up to show us some sights not visible to the naked eye

Maddalena is taking a break

Look at the construction of the Watch Tower

one of the many drawing inside the Watch Tower

looking down at the last Anasassi sand drawings. They made sand drawings & destroyed within 24 hours.

the ceiling of the Watch Tower

Pat is on the top of the Watch Tower getting a good view of the Grand Canyon

looking down from the roof of the Watch Tower

another view of the striking colors of the terrain

look at the beauty of nature

a look from the side of the road

The wonder of it all!!!

jutting right up from the floor
I can't say enough about the American Dream Tour Co. This was the 2nd time we have used them.We left at 9:30 and got back at 7:30pm. They do a fabulous job sharing a wealth of information with us and keeping our attention, even the kids. They have taken journalists from National Geographic and the weather channel folks on tours. What can I say? I do know how to pick the best tour company around! I highly recommend them.

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