Note the warning sign on the highway!
As we left Sudbury on Rte. 17, the Trans Canada Highway, we saw a family walking along with backpacks. Further up we noticed a man skate boarding down the side of the road, which had a very narrow shoulder. Up near Thessaleon, we saw a horse and buggy coming down in the opposite lane. I looked over and saw two Amish gentlemen in it. A while later we saw another horsr and buggy with one Amish man in it. All this on the highway!

Just walking into the trading post

a beautiful stained glass window above the entryway

artwork, handmade furniture and taxidermied birds done by the Indians on the reservation
We continued on through an Indian reservation and decided to stop at an Indian Trading Post, which was beautiful, but the outside was having some work done. I took a couple of pictures of the inside

coming into the Soo Locks from Lake Huron on the American side

look how high the water is on the Lake Superior side of the locks

the water level has risen and we are ready to exit to the Lake Superior side

a huge boat going into Lake Huron

another large boat

the refinery

an overhead crane with a scoop dumping a load into a big yellow truck

going into the Canadian locks

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow visited this house, which is adjacent to the Canadian Locks

another house at the locks

look at the water level - see the white, that's where we started - the water level goes down entering Lake Huron from Lake Superior

the opening of the locks

This is the Sault Ste Marie Arena - also the Terry Fox Plaza is on the grounds. Terry is the gent that had cancer and decided to walk from the west coast to the east coast of Canada. He made it to this point before he died. A statue is erected in this site to note his accomplishment.

this is Sault Ste Marie City Hall

a beautiful fountain in the water

a boat in drydock

the Edison Electric company

the Soo Locks tour boats
We finally came into Sault Ste Marie, Ontario and realized that we had time to make the 3:30pm boat ride through the Soo Ste Marie Locks. At our checkin we asked where it was and the clerk said that the Canadian side didn't run anymore. We would have to go ove to Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, which we did. Going through Customs was very slow and we had 10 mins. to get there. We were behind a car that didn't know where they were going. We got to the dock at 3:27. I ran in to buy tickets and we ran to the boat. It was quite a ride going by some huge ships and going locks were much bigger and took longer to fill up. We went by refinery on the Canadian side.
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