Saturday, January 22, 2011

LHC Balloon Festival 2011

Today I was having breakfast & Patsy was ourside waiting for the guys to pick him up to go golfing. He saw some balloons in the air & came in to tell me. I went out & saw them. We thought that they were down by the Aquatic Center. I can in got my camera & proceeded down, noticing that as I got closer, It looked like the were at the Rotary Park. I went there & glad I had made that decision. After paying to see no ballooons yesterday, I had a nice treat today. I have numerous pictures below posted for you to see. I won't comment on all f them, but the colors were beautiful. People had paid to ride in them, $185.00 per person. There is a fellow here in LHC who is participating the the Balloon Festival. He offers balloon rides up til June.

down by the Aquatic Center here

They are deflating this balloon.

the colors are so vivid!

just landing

hovering over the water - the island in the background

one landing & the other deflating

You can see this one deflating but look toward the red at the bottom of the picture & see a balloon that has completely deflated.

a balloon taking off over on the island

This is a better shot of the completely deflated balloon - you can see the balloon shape on the ground. In the rear one balloon is deflating while the other is landing.

Again a view of the ballon taking off over on the island.

a great shot above!!!

going in for the landing


helping the passengers out before deflating

Alas, the end.
Thursday we had a Welcome Back Party at the pool. I did forget my camera but it was nice to see old friends & meet new people living in the complex. Our Organizer, Pat, did a fantastic job putting this together for us. She organizes several parties during our stay. Tonight we at going to a pizza party hosted by one of the golfers, Bob & Nancy. I may get back the the balloon Festival tomorrow hoping to see a mass lift off. I do have to go to the Swap Meet also tomorrow as I asked a lady to make something for me. I'll need to pick it up. For all of you, who love Pandora beads, they are selling faux ones here for $2.50 each & they look preety darn good. Last year I bought each of my daughters some & they real things can put a big dent in your pocketbook.  Hope you have been enjoying my blog. I know that I am sporadic, but you will have to put up with it as it is a bit time consuming & I like to be on the go.

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