Monday, April 25, 2011

Brewer's barbeque 2011

Here we are at Al and Marilyn's for a great barbeque on a spectacular evening.  Left to right are: Dave, Kay, Wendy, Joann and Lumpy. This is the patio area behind Al's house.

Left to right are Bev, Glenice and Marilyn having a intense conversation about the upcoming wedding - the royals!

Some new people in the group (left to right) Kay, Patsy, Wendy, Joann, Keith and Dave taking care of the beer cooler.

The women (left to right) Wendy, Kay, Bev, Joann, Glenice, Marilyn and me. As you can see in the background, the men are getting the appetizers out, firing up the grill and just letting us relax for once! We are very content with our new role of doing nothing.

Kay is getting some of the appetizers the men have put out and the men are discussing what they should do next. This could be quite a dilemna.

A picture of the pool. We went in the hot tub and took a dip in the pool later in the evening when the sun went down

Marilyn and a few others are setting up chairs around the pool.

Dave, Al, Lumpy and Bob want to get the barbeque going. It seems as though there is a big discussion going on.
It was a wonderful evening. After swimming we went inside to see the movie Marilyn had made of their trip to Catalina Island - it was fantastic.

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