Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oatman with Virginia 2011

Traveling Route 66 to Oatman, a deserted mining town where the donkeys roam the street. They were left there when the mines closed.

Any UFO sightings? This is where the UFO enthusists have their annual meetings - a deserted place on Route 66.

Virginia is feeding a donkey while her baby is also getting some nourishment.

Those donkeys sure do love those carrots. Virgina thinks the donkeys like her but they are really after the carrots she has in her bag.

One of the locals stopped to have his picture taken with Virginia.

Here we see Virgina with the sheriff. She won't have to worry with him beside her.

One of the restaurants that we frequent - note all the money on the walls. People write their name, city and state or country on a dollar bill and staple it to the wall, beam, ceiling od any other place.

a shootout - robbers have just robbed the bank and are trying to flee

Virginia is not too happy. This donkey couldn't wait for his carrots; he grabbed the bag. They are all over the ground!

Look at this donkey!!!

This donkey is following Virginia into a store

What to visit Oatman? Just follow Route 66 to Jackass Junction and take a left.
We left Oatman and went to Laughlin to a show, Dance of Desire. It was to modern day River Dance and did they ever dance. Did a little gambling, too. Does anyone have any money they can loan us?

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