Our annual St. Patty's Day party was held on a gorgeous day down at the pool. Facing us is Al, all decked out, next to his wife, Marilyn and Jim with a festive bowtie. In the background (facing us on the left) is Margaret and her son, David, who is from Ireland. He brought some Irish gifts, including a shirt similar to the one he has one, to raffle off. Next to David are Bob and Bev.

At this table are Al, Marilyn, Jim, Lianne, Linda, Don, Ross and Maureen.

Here we have (facing us on the left) Mac, Margaret, David, Bob, Bev, Dave and Joann.

Brother and sister are enjoying and Irish celebration.

Lumpy, Wendy and Betty thinking about jumping into the pool later that evening

Lumpy and Wendy

Tom and Betty

Margaret. I do like that Irish shirt David brought you from Ireland.

The social hour

another view

Greg into the Irish spirit of the day

Kay, all decked in her Irish gear right from head to toe!

Kay is letting us know that it is serving time. Let's get some of that delious corned beef, potatoes, carrots and cabbage.

The servers are ready.

Pat is reading the winner of the raffle. She also organized this event, among many more that she has planned for us. Each and every one is a great time for one and all.
Drawing the winning tickets is Fritz, who is a one man band and plays most requests.

Marilyn and Al

Maureen was the lucky winner of a true Irish shirt, directly from Ireland, and a book of Northern Ireland - David brought them with him for the party.

The people from Dryden, ON were big winners of the raffles. Maureen, Jim, Lianne, Linda and Don must have had the luck of the Irish on their side. Poor Wendy, not a winner at all. She looks very sad about the situation.

Dave and Joann were also winners; Dave is holding his lucky leprechaun.

Mac didn't win a thing but is very thankful to be wearing the shirt that David brought for him for Ireland. Mac is also sporting his new haircut that Wendy gave him the day before so he would look his very best for the big day.

Tom and Patsy are consoling Keith. Poor Keith is the only one of the Dryden house who didn't win a thing. In the background is Glenice telling her daughter and son-in-law that Keith is being a baby.

Look at Al and Wendy do the twist!!!

Dave and Joann are trying to outdo everyone. Look how low Dave can go; Joann is having a bit of a difficult time keeping up with Dave.

Here we are with the YMCA group

This lady comes to St Patty's day every year and just dances around the pool by herself.

Al is a gentlemen; he asked the lady to dance.

A picture that touches the heart. Margaret dancing with her son, who lives in Ireland, and has not been here since 2006. He surprised her with his visit and how appropriate that it should be St. Patty's Day - the luck of the Irish!!!